- Allis Chalmers 78/79 Air
- Allis Chalmers 71/74/333
- Buffalo 4500
- Buffalo 7000/8000
- NEW! BullsEye® Seed Tube
- Case IH 56
- Case IH 400/500 Cast Seed Boot
- Case IH 800/900/950/955
- Case IH 1200
- Case IH 1200 with NEW seed boot
- Case IH 1200 with Shoup seed boot
- Case IH 1200 with SpeedTube™
- Case IH 2100
- Case IH with Acra Plant Boots
- Case IH with Acra Plant Runner Openers
- Duetz/Allis 385
- Firmer Replacement: Quick Attach
- Firmer Replacement: Universal
- Great Plains
- Great Plains Clear-Shot® Seed Tube
- JD 7000/7100/7200/7300 & 1700 Series
- JD 71 Flex
- NEW! JD ExactEmerge
- JD Seed Tube with Raised Area
- JD Straight Seed Tube
- JD Wide Based Seed Tube
- Kinze 2000/3000 Series & older
- NEW! Kinze EdgeVac® Seed Tube
- Landoll 4400
- Monosem
- Vansco Seed Tube
- NEW! WaveVision® Sensor Seed Tube
- White 5000 with Acra Plant Boot
- White 5000/6000/8000 Series
- NEW! White 9000 Series
- White 9000 (original long slotted)
- Yetter
- Best 1995&Prior
- Case IH 500
- Case IH 5100/5300
- Case IH 5400 Soybean Special
- Case IH SDX 30
- Crustbuster 3400/3700/4000 Series
- Crustbuster with Dry Fertilizer
- Crustbuster 3312
- FSO Opener Flexicoil
- Great Plains Precision Opener
- Great Plains Solid & No-till
- Haybuster
- Helpful Hints for Drills
- Hiniker 4800
- JD 750/1560-90/1690/1860-90/1990
- JD 1560/1860 2 Piece Boot
- JD 455/515/1520/8300
- Krause 5200/5250/5500
- Krause 5400
- Landoll 5500
- Marliss 1996 & newer
- Marliss & Sukup
- Marliss prior to Sukup
- Montezuma
- New Holland 2080/2085
- Salford
- Sunflower 9000
- Tye
- Tye Soybean Rice
- UFT Heavy Duty 5200
- UFT Standard
Case IH Seed Boots

Mounting OIH12N Rebounder to newer 1200 series Case IH seedboots
What NOT to do with your Rebounders
When storing or working on the planter always install cylinder stops or place the planter on stands to prevent personal injury or damage to the Rebounder.
IMPORTANT: Do not roll back or back up the planter in or on the ground as this can result in damage to the Rebounder.