Cast Zippers from Albert C. - Schaffert Mfg. Co.

Cast Zippers from Albert C.

I have used Dawn Curvetine closing wheels for many years. In 2021 I decided to install Furrow Force on half the planter. I ran this for 2 years and documented the yield results. The Curvetines were alway as good or better than the Furrow Force, up to 5 bushel better. In 2023 I removed the Furrow Force and installed Zippers, I ran this setup the next 2 years. The Zippers were always better than the Curvetines, up to 5 bushels better.”

John Deere planter with all cast Zippers on the right half and Curvetines on the left.
John Deere planter with all cast Zippers on the right rows and Curvetines on the left.
Furrow Force