R.H., Nebraska
I have had the “Out the Back” fertilizer disk openers for only a year, but they seem to be working great. I have them on a 7000 JD 16 row so I had to put updated tail sections on; with the new tails on they are very simple to take on and off.
Last year was a wet spring for us and the out the backs discs worked great compared to discs in front of the unit because the gauge wheels never had to run in wet dirt that was turned up from factory openers. I placed the fertilizer 2X2, and ran a rate of 25 gal per acre and didn’t have a problem at all.
Schaffert is sending me the deflectors to run beside the disk which should solve the one problem that I had, which was every once and awhile a cob would get stuck between the disk and fertilizer tube and plug it up (which usually only happened in the corn on corn ground).
I would recommend these to anybody placing fertilizer off to the side. They are simple and they work well, but the best thing I like is they keep the fertilizer off the planter.